Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Timeline of the History of Fingerprinting

1686: Marcello Malpighi first noted ridges, spirals, and loops in fingerprints
1858: Handprints are used by English-controlled India to be imprinted on contracts to make the contract more binding than just a signature. The handprints were not used for identification
1880: Dr. Henry Faulds discussed for the first time the use of fingerprints as a means of personal identification
1882: Gilbert Thompson applied his fingerprint to a document to avoid forgery
1883: A fictional murderer in Mark Twain’s “Life on the Mississippi” is identified using fingerprint identification
1892: First criminal fingerprint identification takes place. Juan Vucetich identified Francis Rojas as the murderer of her two sons and herself after her bloody fingerprints were found on a door post
1903: First systematic use of fingerprints for criminal identification occurs in New York
1905: First use of fingerprints by the US Army
1946: Automatic fingerprint identification technlogy is developed


  1. excellent description of the history! its made so that anyoneone can understand it.
    brief and concise with good info

  2. It's a tad short. But I'm not one to complain, really. It's not like I'm actually interested in the subject.

  3. Very good timeline. I like the format including the dates. It makes the events a lot easier to read instead of just reading one huge paragraph. I wouldn't add or take anything
