Sunday, December 4, 2011

Footprint Analysis

Footprint Analysis
Footprints are another trace that can be left on the scene of a crime. Footprints are easier to analyze than other traces, and a good footprint sample can tell investigators much information about the crime. Characteristics of footprints include:
  • Size: Can help determine age of the person who left the footprints, as well as an estimate of their height
  • Type of Print: Athletic shoe, sandals, high heels, barefoot, etc.
  • Direction of Print: Indicates where the suspect or victim came from and/or where they went away from the crime scene
  • Depth of Print: Can show how the person was walking, running or standing

For our footprint analysis lab, we formed groups of four and took turns leaving our footprint in a container of dirt. We then filled out a form with data about our footprint, including height, width, depth, direction, weather conditions, etc. We also analyzed this data to make conclusions about what it could tell us about a crime.


  1. Pretty good post. Maybe describe the relationship of the size of the print to the person? Or compare female to male prints?

  2. Only thing I wasn't fond about on this blog is the picture of the shoe print.
