Sunday, December 4, 2011

Poison Analysis

A poison is defined as a substance that when ingested can injure or kill a living organism. Usually when people think of poison, they think of cyanide, anthrax, or another poison commonly used to kill. People don't often think of prescription drugs, street drugs, sugar, or even common foods. These can be just as dangerous in certain situations. Poison can be used in murders, suicides, assassinations, executions, or biological warfare.

As part of our study of forensics, we analyzed substances to determine if they were a poison such as cyanide or a sugar. We used various indicators for each substance that was a possible poison. Positive tests could be indicated by a change in color as shown in the picture to the right or by simply smelling the substance in the case of ammonia.


  1. Good definitions & good job staying on point. Nice picture too!

  2. You should use your poison analysis skills to analyze the city water and see what poisons the international zionist commie NWO conspiracy has put into it.
    Anyway, the post was scientific and well written. Great job.

  3. Thanks for the feedback Sunny and Eli. I attempted to post the results of my study of the ******** water supplies but it was ******** by the ********** of ***** and the ***.
